0% for 48 Months on John Deere Construction Equipment


Offer valid for all NEW John Deere Excavators (excluding new G-Series Excavators and the 190 Wheeled Excavator), all new John Deere Loaders (excluding the 944), all John Deere Utility and Construction Dozers, and all John Deere Backhoes.

Includes Extended Warranty and John Deere Protect Plan, talk to your sales representative for details.

Eligible models:

  • Excavators: 75P, 85P, 130P, 135P, 160P, 200G, 210P, 245P, 250P, 300P, 345 P, 350 P, 380P, 470P, 510P, 670P, & 870P
  • Loaders: 444GIP, 524P, 544GIP, 624P, 644GIPIX, 724P, 744L, 744PIX, 824L, 824PIX, 844LAH, 844P, and 904P
  • All John Deere Utility and Construction Dozers (450 - 850)
  • All John Deere Backhoes

Offer valid on qualifying purchases made through 30 June 2025 and is subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial, for commercial use only. Down payment may be required. Average down payment is 10%. Taxes, freight, setup, insurance, fees, and delivery charges could increase monthly payment. Prices and savings in U.S. dollars.

Tax Deduction Info on www.Section179.Org!